...the one you use year after year after year. Because that's what helps you practice the consistently healthy habits that become your healthy lifestyle.
One of the most rewarding things about having created the Streaming Colors Fitness Journal is knowing that there are people who have used our journals for ten years in a row, now. Thank you to every one who has shown such loyalty to our journals. We appreciate each and every one of you!
One of our favorite long-time journalistas is Pam LeBlanc, who lets others know via her wonderful Fit City blog that she's in for another year of journaling. She doesn't hesitate to show a picture of her latest monthly calendar filled with an impressive amount of color.
Our journalistas are creatures of habit, you might say, so we don't change much on our journals from year to year, except the main cover color, which is on a four-year rotation. Last year's cover was predominantly blue. This year's is green.
Whether you're an accomplished athlete or you're just trying to get started on developing better eating or exercise habits, coloring in our journals will help you stay motivated long enough to establish those better habits. That's why they're called "the healthy habit-forming journals."
Make 2014 your year! Both the monthly calendar and the weekly planner are shipping now.
Pop over to our shop.