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think pink

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and one of my favorite fitness retailers lucy activewear (yes, they have carried our wonderful Streaming Colors Fitness Journal in their store) is supporting the cause by donating 10% of the proceeds from lucy's Think Pink graphic tees to Network of Strength, a non-profit which offers immediate emotional support to those battling with breast cancer. Our family has been lucky so far, we don't have any immediate relatives diagnosed with breast cancer (knock on wood) but I know it is a cause worth supporting. And I want to encourage all women to get in the habit of getting their mammograms on time. Whenever that is for you. Also please consider supporting the cause in any way you can... these lucy t-shirts are just one option. (FYI, I have a bunch of their long sleeve tee's like this one and they are fantastic! So so comfy!!!)


nike hand weights

 I'm still on the hunt for the most amazingly-well-designed-beautiful-dumbbells-on-earth. These are from Nike. Not super amazing, but pretty cool. However, they're too light. (they only come in 3,5, & 8lb.) I need to find 10lb that have a super cool design. Somebody must have something like this... somewhere... help me please :-) 


why keep a food diary?

  Ooh lookie, another sneak preview of the Lean Mode Food Diary. Doesn't it look fun!A study published in the August edition of the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, shows that keeping a food diary may be a key to losing extra weight. It's all about accountability and awareness. Read about the study on webmd.com.

The article includes 5 tips for keeping a food diary. One of them suggests you use whatever type of food diary works for you. Which is true. The whole point is to use it, whatever it is. However, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that our Lean Mode Color Code - Not Your Usual Food Diary is the most fun food diary ever!!!! That's my totally unbiased opinion. Ha ha. So try it out people!


these shoes were made for running

I'm lovin my new Saucony Grid Propel running shoes!!! I have narrow feet and high arches and these shoes give me plenty of support. Plus they're nice and light and they let your feet "breathe." My tips for running shoes: 1) buy them a little big so your toes have some wiggle room 2) alternate between two pairs so they have time to dry out between workouts 3) replace them after 500 miles. Getting the right shoes is really important. If you need help I suggest going to a running store where they will help you figure out the best pair of shoes for you based on your needs. I like Road Runner Sports and FrontRunners in LA.  


healthy habits: walking to work

I moved to San Francisco in 2001, and lived there for about a year and a half. I worked at a lovely architecture firm in North Beach, and lived in Nob Hill. I used to walk to work every day. About a mile and a half each way, up and down two big hills. And I loved it. Every minute of it. I would usually walk through chinatown (which was always an adventure.) You see a lot of things early in the morning that you would never see once the streets are crowded with people. Anyway, back to my point... there are so many positives about walking to work. It relieves stress, allows you time to think, gives you some fresh air & sunshine (or fog if you live in SF), it's just so beneficial to your health. The best shape I was ever in was when I lived in SF, despite the fact that we went out to dinner at least three nights a week. Now that I live in LA things are a little different. I still "walk to work" most days, though I now work mainly from home. 

So here's my suggestion, even if you work from home try "walking to work" in the morning for a few weeks. It doesn't have to be long, just a half hour. Try to include some hills. See how you feel. Are you more productive? I'm willing to bet you will be. If you like, add in a "walk home from work." Then come back to this post and tell me what you think of this new healthy habit. It's one of my own personal favorites, and I am thrilled to say that I created a healthy habit in SF that, with a little modification, I still enjoy in LA. 

ps for all my LA friends who are reading this, I realize it probably confirms what you had suspected about me all along. I am a nerd. Who likes to take long walks.


penguin sport-wash is the best!

 Sweat may be the "cologne of accomplishment" but who wants to smell like it? Ever notice that sometimes your workout clothes (especially tight tees and tank tops) stop smelling fresh? This Penguin Sport Wash works like a charm. I had some samples in one of my 5k race goodie bags so I gave it a try and loooooved it! I noticed the difference more in my tech fabrics than in cotton, but I still wash both in it. Everything gets nice and clean! And, it's safe for the environment. You're welcome ;~)


eat this, not that! for kids!

usatoday.com published an article about this new book by David Zinczenko and Matt Goulding, Eat This, Not That! For Kids! I thought the adult book was pretty good, though I didn't actually buy it because I rarely, if ever, eat fast food. I wasn't raised on it, and I just don't like it. However, I realize that loads of people eat it everyday. So, as far as helping people make healthier choices goes, this book does a pretty good job. I like all the pictures they use, visualizing the healthier choice is a good habit to create. And I think paying attention to calorie content is another good habit, because it creates awareness. What if ALL restaurants were required to post their calorie counts on their menus? Just like in NYC.  I'm hoping it will happen on a national level. What do you think?


lululemon hoodie

 Lululemon Remix Hoodie RLululemon hoodies are so well made! Nice thick material- they last forever. This one is really fun, especially the back of it. There's a tree branch motif on the back panel. Unfortunately I can't pull the image from their website. (Don't ask.) You'll just have to go there and check it out for yourself.  


sneak peak of lean mode food diary

 I'm so excited about our new food diary (Lean Mode Color Code - Not Your Usual Food Diary) that I just had to post the new cover art. The diary is on it's way to the printers so it should be available online soon. (We're also doing an ebook version.) Isn't the cover adorable!?!?! And let me tell you, it is so much fun to use! I've been "testing" it for the last few months. So fun! And it really works!!! 


september fitness tip from the streaming colors fitness journal

Back-to-school is a busy time of year, but it doesn't have to derail your fitness progress. Just do your math. Small efforts throughout the day can add up to impressive fitness gains by month end. For instance, multiply your effort (and your results) by taking the stairs twice as often each day. Or, use a pedometer to count the daily number of steps you walk, gradually adding more to reach about 10,000 steps per day. Subtract an unhealthy food item from your diet (e.g. sugar-free day, french-fry-free day.) Get smart about all the sugars and empty calories in the beverages you drink by counting them all this month. Tally it up on your journal and analyze the results. You're a fitness genius!